Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trick skate-Dropping in step 8 (finish)

Learning trick of Dropping in
Step 8 - Troubleshooting
- I'm not a big fan of commitment in relationships, but in skateboarding it's vital. The largest problem skaters face when learning to drop in is not pushing that front foot down fast enough. The moment you put some of your weight forward, you will be rolling down the ramp. That means that until you get those front wheels down, you will be rolling only on the back two wheels. This can make you slip backwards and fall very easily.

- This is where you take one foot off of the board and catch yourself. When I was learning to drop in, I would always pull my back foot off the board right away and catch myself half way down the ramp. It was a weird problem. The key was in trusting myself, and having self confidence. It also helped to go practice when no one else was around watching me.


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